Code of Conduct
Evasion Events are intended to foster competitive and unique experiences with an open and welcoming environment, where all participants should be treated fairly and with respect at all times. Creating a space where participants can expect fair and competitive play, exposure to a broad audience, community growth, and a chance to display their abilities and talents as best as they possibly can.
To maintain this environment, all participants must take individual responsibility and accountability for their behavior toward fellow competitors, Battle Mods™, production team, casters, organization members, sponsors, and viewers. By following the Code of Conduct below, the environment remains a place for everyone.
All competitors, coaches, Battle Mods™, casters, channel mods, production team, administration, organization members, sponsors, and any other party affiliated with the creation, production, or operation of any Evasion event (from here on, “Participants”) are required to follow the Terms & Conditions of Evasion GG, including but not limited to the Code of Conduct.
Code of Conduct
- Events have a ruleset that will not be changed or modified once an event stage has begun, unless a rule modification is planned to take effect during the different stages of the event. Any changes made by Evasion can only occur after a group stage is finished by all competitors. Participants may not ask for changes to the rules while an event is ongoing.
- Participants may request a rule change or other suggestions/feedback to an Evasion Director, or Department Head, as this may prove valuable for the growth and improvement of the organization and its events. The feedback provided may or may not be utilized by Evasion.
- All Participants who enter an event should ensure they will be available during the given event dates. If there is a known conflict regarding availability, refrain from entering the event. If a conflict of availability arises after registration, let Evasion know as soon as possible.
- Joining an event that a Participant knowingly will not be able to attend will be considered bad etiquette.
- All Participants who enter any Evasion event must follow the rules and regulations of the event, as well as any third-party Terms of Service or other similar document detailing terms of use, of all programs, games, and/or platforms utilized throughout the course of the event.
- Participants must always observe the highest standards of personal integrity and good sportsmanship, and act in a manner consistent with the best interests of Evasion and the Participants themselves.
- Cheating is not permitted in any form. Any competitor or Participant found cheating may be disqualified immediately at Evasion’s discretion.
- The use of third party software to gain a competitive advantage is not permitted.
- This includes, but is not limited to: Cheat software, crosshair overlays, tool-assisted inputs, macros, metagaming, or using a livestream to gain information or any competitive advantage.
- Evasion reserves the right to determine what may be considered a competitive advantage.
- Participants are expected to disassociate themselves with RMT or Cheat software and proponents, as it is an ecosystem that is detrimental to the positive state of gaming; this includes, but is not limited to:
- Individuals who utilize, sell, support or advertise these services & products.
- Websites, Social Media, and Discords Servers used to market, support, sell and/or advertise these services and products.
- Any other actions that are reasonably seen as support/promotion of the Cheating/RMT culture.
- Disabled Participants who require third party software in order to perform as a Participant in the given games may be allowed to use such third party software.
- Evasion must be made aware that a third party software is being used and its purpose.
- Evasion reserves the right to inspect, scrutinize, and reject the softwares being used during an event.
- It is the Participant’s responsibility to be certain the software does not break any Terms of Service, EULAs, or other similar document detailing terms of use of any games, software, or platforms used through the duration of the events.
- Participants may be randomly asked to share their screen in Discord at any time, without reason.
- This will not be limited to game view, and includes all screens.
- This includes, but is not limited to, seeing all open applications, tabs, and task managers.
- Participants are required to behave in a professional and sportsmanlike manner in their interactions with other Participants and viewers
- Participants may not use obscene or offensive gestures or excessive profanity in their tags, Participant handles, shoulder content, interviews, or other public-facing communications of any kind. This rule applies to English and all other languages and includes abbreviations and/or obscure references.
- Evasion Participants are expected to settle their differences in a respectful manner, without resorting to violence, threats, or intimidation (physical or nonphysical). Violence is never permitted at any time or place, or against any person.
- The obligation to behave in a professional and sportsmanlike manner includes an obligation, on the part of Participants and Team Managers, to arrive on time and ready to compete for all events. It also prohibits forfeiting a game or match without reasonable cause.
- Participants are not permitted to use insults and/or aggression towards another Participant or viewer. This includes, but is not limited to:
- written or verbal abuse of either an opponent or teammate.
- use of language, nicknames or other expressions that insult another’s ethnicity, gender, gender identity, origin, physical ability, sexual orientation, religion, race or age.
- use of language or actions that refer to sexual violence or any other violence.
- act in a threatening or violent manner.
- any reference, suggestion, or request for others to perform any prohibited actions in their stead.
- Do not be a sore loser, or a sore winner. Rubbing in victory or defeat on an opponent will be considered unsportsmanlike conduct.
- Maintain restraint with managing frustrations. Think before speaking. Treat others with respect.
- When participating in team events, try to maintain a positive and uplifting outlook. Statistics show that competitors with constructive attitudes win 10% more than the average.
- Participants involved in Evasion events must refrain from using abusive or offensive language towards their viewership/audience. Communication is encouraged, but refrain from engaging with aggressive and toxic viewers in chat. Utilize timeouts or bans to combat situations that should not be handled during the event.
- Participants should refrain from using excessive profanity or aggressive language.
- While streaming an Evasion event, keep in mind that community members, Participants, Sponsors, and Evasion representatives may be watching and participating in your chat.
- Streamers are required to maintain this Code of Conduct while streaming in any Evasion or Evasion affiliated events, podcasts, rebroadcasts, or media of any kind. This includes taking action to enforce any measures outlined in the Code of Conduct should they be breached by viewers in the Participant’s chat.
- Viewers and Participants are forbidden from using any stream service, chat group, or other platform to negatively impact an Evasion event. This includes, but is not limited to:
- requesting a viewer/acquaintance to enter a game or game lobby to affect gameplay.
- requesting a viewer/acquaintance to share information from another stream or outside source.
- requesting a viewer/acquaintance to visit another Participant’s stream with ill intent or the purpose of sharing information.
- Participant’s Channel Moderators will be held to this same Code of Conduct for the duration of events.
Code of Conduct for Evasion
- All employees, volunteers, affiliates, and members of Evasion are required to abide by the same Code of Conduct.
- Evasion will never favor one player over another during any event. Evasion will remain an unbiased Participant and will never change or alter results in any way in order to affect the outcome of a match or event.
- Evasion will only make modifications to the results of an event in order to make a correction due to a technical issue, confirmed scoring error, or as a consequence of foul play or offensive behavior.
- Evasion reserves the right to alter results or restart/replay a match due to cheating.
- Evasion reserves the right to alter results due to a scoring error or technical error with provided and approved proof of such error.
- If a competitor in an event is directly representing Evasion or is a member of Team Evasion, Evasion will never demonstrate any bias toward that competitor.
- Evasion will never set event brackets in favor of any competitor, whether or not they are a representative of the organization.
- Evasion will maintain an ecosystem of fair play and equal opportunity for all competitors of an event.
- Evasion will moderate all affiliated public and social channels in conjunction with Evasion events, and not allow offensive comments or exchanges.
- Evasion will work proactively to create a welcoming, safe, and unbiased environment regardless of ethinicity, gender, gender identity, origin, physical ability, sexual orientation, religion, race or age.
Evasion Code of Conduct v1.1
Last updated 18 May 2022